Canmore Highland Games
The Canmore Highland Games are held in Centennial Park in downtown Canmore.
With all day piping, beer tent & music, marching, heavy events competition, food, assorted stalls and evening Ceilidh, Centennial Park is the place to be to enjoy all things Celtic.
If you didn't make it to the Canmore Highland Games this year then make sure to put it in your diary for next year, it's a great event.
Attractions include:
- Pancake breakfast with live entertainment
- Individual piping & drumming competition
- Highland Dance competition
- Heavy sports competition
- Scottish & Celtic retail booths
- Beer garden
- Food concessions
- Sheep dog demonstrations
- Official Canmore Highland Games opening ceremony
- Pipe band competition
- Massed pipes & drums of the Canmore Highland Games
- Evening Ceilidh with live entertainment (separate tickets required)
More info:
Photos of past Canmore Highland Games

Please note: cannot take responsibility for incorrect information submitted or non-notified changes to calendar events, please check event is as advertised before attending, and have fun.